Friday, 11 March 2011

Sharing the secret

The Boy and I are staying with my parents this weekend as it's my little sister's birthday, and we've decided that we're going to share our big news with them!

It's quite a big decision and I'm not totally sure it's the right one, but there's a couple of factors that have swung our thoughts this way. The first one is I am going on a spa day with my sister and my Mum on Monday, and one of the treatments we've got booked in might not be suitable for me. I rang the spa this morning and the receptionist said it wasn't recommended to have this particular massage - a therapist from the salon rang me a bit later and said it should be fine, but I'm a bit nervous about it now and for the sake of a 15-minute massage I'd rather leave it and err on the side of caution. The other factor is that we have quite a lot of alcohol and food-based celebrations planned over the weekend and I can't take part in many of them. Rather than tell them an increasing bundle of white lies, it seems to make more sense to be honest.

I'm nervous to tell anyone before 12 weeks (I'm nearly eight weeks now) but I think I'll be nervous after that date as well! We want this baby so much that we're both crossing everything that nothing will go wrong. I can swear my Mum, my Dad, my sister and her boyfriend to secrecy for the next few weeks (they're off on hols on 28th March anyway) and I know we can trust them to respect our privacy.

I feel really excited now we've made this decision - my only nagging doubt is that we should tell the Boy's family at the same time. I wouldn't want them to think we value them any less because that's absolutely not the case. I adore my in-laws and I suspect the Boy's Mum will be very excited for us! But we've planned to tell her in person just before we go to Venice in April, as by then I (again, everything crossed) should have the picture back from our scan which we can show her and surprise her with. We hope that will be really special for her.

So - we're into the last 24 hours or so of having our 'little secret'. It's been nice to have a bit of time to get our heads around what's happening and talk together about how we want things to be, and our hopes and dreams for the future and for our little family. It's been a really special time for us, and I hope that will continue as we begin to share our secret.

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