Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Another step on the way

Just a quickie today (matron) as I'm super busy at work this week preparing for an event on Saturday, when we're hoping 100,000+ people will be marching through central London to protest about the government's cuts to public services. It promises to be quite something.

But I wanted to check in now we've hit another tiny landmark - nine weeks. I found this image of a baby at nine weeks which was interesting to see. I seem to be going through a phase at the moment of forgetting I'm pregnant - it's interesting to see this is what might be growing inside of me if all's going to plan. A mere 1.5cm long just now... it's hard to take in this is happening when it's something so small!

Well, today I'm nine plus two as they say. Monday week we get the booking-in appointment, which the Boy and I are desperate for. I really want the midwife to check the baby's heartbeat so we can find out if things are going to plan, or if this is not meant to be. It's difficult to bask in ignorance before we get to that stage - I want to know for sure whether things are progressing well or not.

And after the huge level of nausea I've felt after the last couple of days - an old wives tale says this can be a sign of twins - I'd like to check there's just the one baby in there, or the Boy and I may be in for quite a shock!

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