Monday 31 January 2011

1 + 1 = 3?

Part of the reason for starting this blog now is my husband - henceforth to be known as 'the Boy' - and I (that's us in the pic, by the way, enjoying the sea air in Brighton, one of our favourite places) have just made the decision that we'd like to start a family. We've been together for four years and have loved our time just us two, but now the time feels right to try and extend our little unit from two to three.

I'm hoping to share my emotional experiences of trying for a baby and (hopefully...) pregnancy in this space, and ponder about pregnancy-related issues. It feels a really exciting time for me and the Boy. We've not told family and friends so for now it's our secret - something just for the two of us (and the worldwide interweb!) and there's something very lovely about its privateness for us.

I'm a bit nervous about how it will go. I'm 33 which I know isn't old, but I feel a bit of an irrational concern about whether things will go to plan. I've not lived the life of a saint at all, and my poor body has been subjected to most of life's excesses during my student days. During my twenties I spent quite a lot of time crashing around Shoreditch propping up various bars and keeping most landlords in business... and not a tremendous amount has changed over the last 10 years. And I met my match in that respect in the Boy! 

At the moment I have butterflies and I find myself looking at parents and their young children in the street. When I hear about friends and colleagues falling pregnant and having children I am pleased for them, but also a bit jealous too. I hope we'll be able to fulfil our dream of having a baby naturally - but I guess time will tell.

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